Thursday March 29 2012
On our way to the 100-mile Texas Team Trial qualification for the 2012 World Endurance Championship in Great Britain, we stopped at Dr Mickey and Michelle Morgan's Mandolynn Hill Farm Arabians in Aubrey, Texas.
Aubrey happens to be the birthplace of my endurance obsession - I started riding endurance trails just down the road in 1998. In fact, as we wandered around Michelle's farm, it seemed a bit familiar, and when I saw the training track in a big field at the back of the property, I realized I had actually ridden on this track. Talk about Déjà vu!
Michelle raises her Arabians mainly for the racetrack; some have gone on to perform well in endurance and other sports. She has some extraordinary-looking individuals - good bone, powerful, athletic, well-built and well-bred - and personable. I'll have more on Mandolynn Hill later, but below is a slide show sample, or you can see more now at http://www.endurance.net/international/USA/2012MandolynHill.
[slide show here]
Lots of riders here in Texas ride Mandolyn horses. I even have one (All Gone MHF, aka Nada). I've been to their farm, and they do have some very nice horses...didn't see a single one that wouldn't make a good endurance horse. :)
Just bought 2 myself, CHNDAKA sons. They are athletic with a brain! Easy to train and work with, but plenty of power under the hood!
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