Monday October 28 2019
The Northwest endurance ride season wrapped up Saturday October 26th in a desert hurricane in the Owyhee Hallowed Weenies. (Rider Kaili Worth appropriately proclaimed it the "Hallowed Windys".)
A small but intrepid group of festive endurance riders and jovial volunteers braved the elements (or ignored the forecast) for one last 2019 trail party. Despite the howling winds, a number of costumes entertained the masses, including Thing 1 and Thing 2, a Trick Rider (Connie with That Guy strapped on her back), Fall and Winter, a scary skeleton, and more.
12 of 13 finished the 50 miler, with David Laws winning aboard his Kentucky Mountain horse Che' Ole, making that their 6th win out of 9 starts this year, and their third Best Condition.
12 of 13 finished the 25 miler, with Carrie Johnson winning aboard Payback Daysea Duke, their 12th completion in 12 Limited Distance starts this season, which included 3 wins and 3 Best Conditions. Second place Allison Kopelowitz and her Appaloosa Pepsi got Best Condition. This was Allison and Pepsi's first endurance season, and they finished all 4 of their Limited Distance starts.
The Best Chili Ever was served for the ride dinner (or else everybody was cold and starving, but it was awful good), and there were so many cakes we'll have leftovers for the Owyhee Tough Sucker in April!
And that's a wrap for the Northwest in 2019!

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