Saturday January 2, 2010
Perfect Balance shoers Linda and Mike came to the rancho to shoe some horses this fine balmy winter day. They always bring their dogs, but today they also brought an extra dog crate full of...
Two orphan baby goats!
Dudley was the first to meet them. He was absolutely intrigued!

As was Jose!

This baby tried to pull a twig out of Jose's mouth.

Kazam didn't know quite what to think of them.

All ears forward.

Finny and Dudley stare at the goats.

It's good training for endurance horses. You never know when you'll encounter a goat on the trail, right?
Dudley and Jose would LOVE to have goats of their own. I can picture Dudley and his goat climbing on everything. I can see Jose and the goats chasing each other, leaping off all fours and spinning in mid-air.
Steph doesn't REALLY need a garden this summer, does she?
I take my mare to our local mission farrier school, and they have horses that are recupting from surgery etc, so they let their very special goat wander the barn and paddocks, she just crawls under the fence and into the paddock and then she administers any good goat jokes or goat sympathies that she knows, Mark Plumblee the school ower, says she is worth her weight in happy horses. She is usually found with the horse that needs her the most, and then when she is finished with that horse she goes on to the next. What I failed to say is that Mark and his wife have a contract with the county and when ever a horse case comes up, unfed, injured animals etc, starvation etc, those horses come to their barn, and their goat is the horse nanny and will go in and out of the paddocks and see horse after horse until they all feel better!!! I just love it... Pam
Thank you
We have had Pygmy goats for years as pets. They are a blast have around and excellent for the horses. Gus would sometimes stand on his hindlegs to exchange a sniff with one of our horses and sometimes would walk right under the horse's belly. Thank you for sharing. ~Annabelle
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