The horses of Owhyee send you these wishes for the New Year:

may your bucket always be full of apples and carrots

may you always have fresh snowfalls to frolic in

may you always have fine dust to roll in

may you always march to your own beat

may you always have great trails to follow

may you always have hugs when you want them

may you always have great friends to romp with

Happy New Decade!

Absolute delightful commentary on the pictures Merri. Loved it!
Happy New Year to you too Merri. May all of the roads, that you travel this year and throughout the decade, be safe, memorable, and joyful.
Looking forward to reading what the new year has to bring Vagabond.
I am assuming, since Raven II, was not in any of the photos, he decided to do the winter in Florida this year? Raven Jr. decided he didn't like the city life and opt for the ranch life for the holidays.
and may we retain the "full and upright " position :)
happy trails and new year
cid and gazi
Yes, Cid, very good point!
Happy new Decade to you!
I see all the horses are enjoying the winter, looks like Mac is making the best of his winter time off :)
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