Friday May 25 2012
While it was somewhat of a dismal turnout for the 3-day Owyhee Fandango ride, those that did show up had a desert-ful of fun, despite having the most rain over the weekend that we've had in a whole year combined.
On Day 1 it didn't stop 27 50-mile riders from saddling up in the heavy rain and hitting the trail at 7:30 in the morning, nor the 12 Limited Distance riders from heading out (into a little less rain) at 9:30 AM. The rain became showers, which became alternating showers and sunshine for the rest of the day.
Garrett Ford from Durango, riding his monster horse The Fury, and Gene Limlaw from Vermont, riding Garrett's other horse Cyclone, tied for first in the 50 miler. The Fury got Best Condition. Deo Peppersack finished first in the LD and got Best Condition with Cinnamon.
24 riders finished the 50, and 11 finished the LD. I didn't hear any reports of the Horny Jackass biting anybody in the butt on the 50 miler.
Here's the Owyhee Fandango Day 1 video!
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