Tuesday February 9 2010

and Dudley

come running from up the canyon when I call.
I open the gate and let them run down to the house, where the Owyhee herds mingle in a romping dance - two steps, mad sprints, pirouettes, bucks, leaps; all turning on a dime as a flock and dancing back the way they came, the ground shaking with thunder.

(And look at that old Thoroughbred racehorse dig in and run!)

This is so great to see Merri. Thank you so much. I miss this to most about not being with my horses. Although it saddens me that I will never see all of them together doing this ever again. This pictures brings joy to see there are herds out there enjoying their lives.
Fotos muy bonitas de los caballos en libertad. Da gusto verlos galopar en el prado. Saludos desde EspaƱa de Gabriel.
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