January 25 2009
A fresh thick snowfall, perfect for looking for cougar tracks up Pickett Creek.
I put on my hiking boots and gaiters, and Quincy put on her stylish Snow Ball Boots,

The road was pristine - there was not one single paw print or hoof print along the entire 1 3/4 mile road to the Narrows in the 5 inches of snow.
We did see 2 herds of deer, one on either side of the canyon that, when we got to within a half mile of them, took off up and over the bluffs on either side. We also saw an eagle
When we got to the Narrows,

We finally came across a few deer tracks in the narrow canyon itself - but no cat prints, not even any coyote prints. I was hoping to see the long-eared owl that lives in the canyon, but he was gone too. Probably heard us coming a mile away, panting loudly as we waded through the snow and splashed in the creek.
I am pretty sure, what with the deer hanging out, and the absence of any paw prints and the lack of raised dog hackles,

I didn't really expect to see any cats or any evidence - it was really just a great excuse to hike for 5 miles in the snow.

Merri, once again thank you for such great pictures!
It looks so peaceful, also the very style shoes your dog put on are hilarious, I can't stop smiling looking at them...
Quincy has since decided to forego Fashionable Snowboots. They didn't work out too well.
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