Tuesday July 10 2018
Bless me,
It's been so long that I don't even know what to pack, clothing or food-wise.
I have, in fact, what with one thing and another in life going on right now, been rather ignoring the whole thing. Being ignorant before Tevis in 2009 (I got a mount 5 days before, with no idea at all that it would happen) kept me from a whole lotta consternation while the Tevis nerve balls rolled and bounced all around me, so why not continue on the path of ignorance and relaxation for the Big Horn?

I know the horse is fit - Connie's horses DWA Saruq (her mount) and Dezzie (my mount) are fit and ready, and I'm somewhat fit. I'm not even going to think about the heat, which is a problem for me. My only plan for that is If it's really hot at basecamp the night before the ride (like it likely will be), I plan to sleep in my wet cool vest. Since I don't really know what to pack, I figure if I bring around 17 changes of clothes that should cover everything from heat to snow to blazing sun to snowstorm. (Lightning - not going to think about that either!)
5 of us Idahoans are going. Some are getting nervous, so that's taken care of - I don't have to do that. Regina (Big Horn Guru) is hauling Connie and me, and crewing for us, so that aspect is taken care of. Connie brings what we like to call a Body Bag to vet checks, so I know that whatever under the planet I might be hungry for, she'll have it.
I've already got The Raven packed, so by the time we leave tomorrow morning and arrive near the ride basecamp tomorrow night, we'll already be there and it'll be too late to do any worrying.
Yeah. That's how I like to get ready for a 100.
So, Big Horn, here we come!
More to come at:
Hahaha Glad I could help take your mind off the big Wyoming event. You all have fun.
So. Excited!!!!
Oh, that is my kind of packing! Throw it all in, cover all the bases, and have a great time!
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