Thursday February 3 2011
Those weathermen missed the low temperature forecast. It wasn't 9 degrees F, it was 5*F. The windchill was -9*F. (They broke a record here.) You couldn't recognize some riders because they had facemasks on, or hoodies pulled down to a tight tiny circle to peek through. Mount Graham, at 10,700 feet in the Pinaleno Mountains to the southwest, imitated Mount Everest with blowing snow whipping off the peak.
But most of the intrepid riders who signed up the night before climbed on their horses for the 8 (50 milers) or 9 AM (35 milers) start. all the 13 LD riders finished, and about 17 of 20 finished the 50.
Did I say Intrepid??
The temperature is supposed to get up to the high 40's tomorrow - that's practically balmy!
Many more photos at:
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